An EHR for the Modern Practice

Merge optimum productivity with clinical excellency using CareCloud’s Charts EHR

CareCloud has been ranked a leader in EMR software by Software Advice and GetApp.

A Virtual Healthcare Experience like No Other

With CareCloud’s Charts solutions, Electronic Health Records technology is not just about creating a digital database. Our technology is also integration friendly and can be coupled with CareCloud’s numerous other services, such as CareCloud Central. 

This robust combination is a powerful all-purpose tool that can tackle the financial, clinical, and administrative operations of a specialty practice.



Make Quick, Informed Decisions

areCloud Charts allows health professionals to utilize the technology’s information-rich support system to make swift, intelligent decisions that can save lives. The solution provides customizable charting templates and an accessible interface that can be updated and reviewed on the go.

Comprehensive Clinical Documentation

This EHR software categorizes patient information in a way that highlights key details regarding the patient’s medical condition. These details, such as medical history, allergies, vitals, drug history, and laboratory reports, are readily available in the software’s “Glance View.”


Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

This feature allows professionals to access the solution’s information-rich platform. Charts EHR offers clinical decision support so that professionals can refer to the system’s intelligent knowledge base for clinical expertise. This may include contraindications and drug interaction for a more informed medical prescription strategy.

Tailor-Made Template Reserve

Our Charts solution contains a wide array of customizable charting templates for every type of specialty practice. Record maintenance and presentation can be seamless and quick through these templates.



CareCloud’s Analytics feature provides comprehensive documentation to streamline quality efficient reporting, MACRA, and population health for a detailed overview of practice performance.

Our Electronic Health Records solution is packed with additional customer support features that comprise of our numerous sets of skilled team members. Whether it be our Professional Services team or Clinical Decision Support, our Charts technology ensures help is available round the clock.

Create an Organized Workflow

CareCloud’s Charts provide efficient patient charting, seamless integration with interoperability, and customizable templates to create complete and intelligent health delivery and record maintenance. 

Additionally, users can also make use of ‘inbox’, a feature that helps plan and track managerial operations for an efficient, streamlined workflow.

Create Profitable Outcomes

Charts ensures successful patient engagement through its comprehensive patient portal, allowing optimum healthcare delivery for patients and improved clinical diagnosis and treatment planning for professionals through Clinical Decision Support platforms.

 Through its seamless overall experiences, Charts offers:

  • Seamless integration with Practice Management and RCM software
  • Organized ‘Glance view’ of patient details
  • Secure maintenance of patient records
  • Quality Initiative Reporting
  • Comprehensive appointment scheduling
  • Robust Customer Support
  • Efficient management of operational tasks 
  • Informed Clinical Decision making 
  • Patient Engagement
  • Improvement of Health Outcomes

Eliminate Dependence with Technological Efficiency

Patients are the backbone of any specialty practice. However, to run a successful practice, technological efficiency is of utmost importance. Additionally, operational costs can create complicated barriers to boosting practice
Allow CareCloud to take over these responsibilities to ensure a smooth-running practice that excels in performance each year. Let CareCloud help you reach one step closer to your practice’s profitability and performance goals.
CareCloud’s solutions are user-friendly, efficient, and technologically advanced to provide you with a well-equipped team that can manage financial, operational, and administrative tasks successfully while you focus on your patients.

My experience with CareCloud has been fantastic. The implementation team made the transition to EHR seamless. I have recommended their services to several colleagues and look forward to a long partnership with CareCloud as I expand my practice.

Dr. Warner Siegle - Physician

GL Medical Group

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